
We believe patients should be compensated for their work. Donating will help supplement our grant money so that we can continue to run our PTF meetings and compensate patients for their expertise.

How to Give to CFReSHC:

Donations to CFReSHC are currently going into a discretionary fund housed at the University of Washington.

  1. Go to :
  2. Search for the “Department of Family Medicine Research Section (FMEDRS).
  3. Specify the donation amount
  4. Provide your information
  5. Under “Comments” (at bottom of “your information” page), please specify donation for “CFReSHC”, FMEDRS, budget 65-7064

If donating to CFReSHC using securities…

  1. Please go to the following website:
  2. Follow the instructions on the website.
  3. Be sure to specify that your stock transfer is an unrestricted gift for CFReSHC in the Department of Family Medicine Research Section (FMEDRS), budget 65-7064.

If you have any questions, please contact

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